Limited Internet and Cell Phone Service

Free Wifi/ Internet service is provided at the following locations at Hill Country Equestrian Lodge:
At the Ranch House Office, and anywhere within 50 feet of it, you can connect for free, with no password. Guests can sit on the front porch, or in the front, (far left) office from 9AM to 7PM, or nearby in the yard or in an automobile outside of these hours.
The suites, Molly North, Molly South, and Socks South also have free wifi with a password that is provided upon guests' arrival.
There are dates when one or more suites are not occupied by guests, in which case guests staying in other cabins are welcome to access the internet from the front porch of an unoccupied suite. However, it is not possible to predict when those dates will be until close to a party's arrival date. Guests who need 24-hour access to wifi should consider reserving one of the Suites for their stay, or adding it to their reservation.
Our internet service is the best that we can get here, and is through a satellite system. There are a few times when weather may cause the signal to be weak. If you have a medical device that must be constantly connected to the internet, as much as we hate to say it, our ranch may not be the ideal place for you to stay.
Cell Phone service that is set up to be able to call or text through the internet may do so at either of the above locations. Otherwise cell service is spotty. Many guests have gotten a signal at the intersection of Hay Hollar Road and Ranch Road 1077, (also called Bandera Creek Road), near where our mailboxes are. Some of our staff have gotten service, at least strong enough to text, while standing next to the first stall on the right side of our barn, or just in front of Socks North Suite. One or two guess have actually called us from Rose and Lovett Cabins, but this is not consistent across all providers.
All guests are welcome to use our land line to call out, and to leave it with others as a contact number in case of emergencies. The number is (830) 796-7950.
Although we understand that being connected to the outside world is important for many people for business or personal reasons, we also believe there should be places where people can escape the stress of their daily lives, and enter a different state of mind, full of the quiet beauty that our nature and horses provide. For this same reason, we do not have TV's in the cabins.
We try to reach a happy medium here; an environment in which people can receive and send emails and documents, browse the internet intermittently, work part-time or do school work online, if necessary, yet be free to enjoy their vacation without constant interruptions from the outside world. We hope you can come and enjoy it with us.